We hereby cordially invite you to second place

International Scientific Conference of Sustainable Development Applications

Under the slogan “Higher education… is the path towards achieving the goals of sustainable development” (ICTSA 2024), which will be held at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICTSA 2024), which is a multidisciplinary forum to present new developments and research results in the fields of computer engineering applications.
The conference will bring together leading academic scholars, researchers and scholars in the field of interest
from all over the world.
ICTSA 2024 attracts researchers, scientists and technologists from universities, research companies and agencies
Governments from all over the world. The conference program will include:
Presentations and poster sessions, along with distinguished keynote speakers and workshops.
The conference welcomes papers on the following research topics (but not limited to).

  • Deadline for full paper submission
  • Notification of full paper acceptance
  • Ready to Camera
  • Conference Venue
  • 15/1/2024 – 15/2/2024
  • 1/3/2024
  • 1/4/2024 
  • 15/4/2024 – 16/4/2024


All submitted papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review and critical evaluation by
conference committees. Acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth,
and relevance to ( ) . All accepted papers will be submitted to the ( ) conference
operation department for final decision to be included in ( ) for publication
and indexing.
Papers that do not make it to ( ) and found to be suitable by the conference
editors will be published on our online conference proceedings with DOI for each paper. Discount
will be offered to papers to be published in the conference online proceedings and author’s consent
will also be required.


For more details on free online registration, abstract submission, full papers, power point
presentation, accommodation, flight and venue, please send us email:

Email: iscsa2023@atu.edu.iq